How Much Alike Are We? Are you like me, sorta, or not? (It's okay if you're not like me, anyone who takes this quiz iz epic XD) ShinyEeveeEpicness published on March 16, 2014 Stacked 1/13 Are you popular, middle, or unpopular? Popular! Middle! Unpopular! 2/13 Shiny Pokemon or not? Shiny! Normal. Other fandom colors :D 3/13 What is your favorite color? Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Purple 4/13 What is your fav book series? Out of these. Harry Potter Hunger Games Warriors 5/13 What is your favorite holiday? New years Valentines Easter 4th of July Halloween Thanksgiving Christmas 6/13 What is your favorite Eeveelution? Vaporeon Flareon Jolteon Espeon Umbreon Leafeon Glaceon Sylveon 7/13 What do you do at the beach? Surf or swim! Tan or make sand castles! Look for animals! 8/13 Are you girly middle or tomboy? Tomboy Girly Middle 9/13 What is your favorite food? Meat Sweets Dairy Fruit Vegetables 10/13 What is your Fav Mane Six? Rarity Fluttershy Applejack Rainbow Dash Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie 11/13 How many Best Friends do you have? 1-5 5-10 10-15 12/13 What is your fav CMC? Applebloom Sweetie Belle Scootaloo Babs 13/13 What superpower do you want? Flying. Reading minds! Super Strength! Attract powers? See through stuff! Super speed!