are you a legendary hero in this quiz you with find out if you are like link or like a bad guy like gannon talon1talon published on March 16, 2014 Stacked 1/5 wich typ of power woukd you use powerful dark magic a sword a shop to give to ppl to help normal maigic a friendly person 2/5 how would you be with power power to control the wold power to save the wold power to make a shop a help ppl 3/5 what would you do with the triforce control the world and turn it into a place of fear kill all in the way if the rest of the triforce help all in need with the power of the triforcer of courage nothing 4/5 what animal would you wont to turn into a giant hog with swords a wolf with midna non 5/5 what to do with the princess kidnap her from the castel get the triforce of wisdome from her save her from evil hope the hero of time will come and save her