Are you an artist? Find out if one of your passions, is art, and getting your hands dirty, with beautiful paints! Sandstorm78 published on March 16, 2014 Stacked 1/7 What do you do on a rainy day? Draw a picture of a tree, plant, animal, etc. Do a puzzle, or play video games 2/7 Have your parents, ever told you, that your drawings were good? No, they sad it was good, but they didn't mean it (and that was rare occasion I drew) Yes, they said, it should be FAMOUS, for being sooo good! 3/7 What do you do after school? I draw a picture, and write a story, to go with it Watch some TV 4/7 Did you enjoy, painting in Kindergarten? YES!! I couldn't wait to get my hands, on a canvas! No, I wanted to play with my cars, dolls, etc. 5/7 What were you given for Christmas? The new Black-Ops!! A set of color pencils, paints, or water colors 6/7 What is your favorite color? Red or Blue ALL the Colors! Pink, Purple, Orange Got none Green or Yellow BLACK.. 7/7 Do you people at school say your drawing are good? No, they laugh at it Yes, they say I am best (or 2nd) in class!