Who are you? (16) A mystery test! You wont know who you get because its a secret! I hope you like. Don't be a hater! MCRMY2121 published on March 10, 2014 Stacked 1/9 What is your favorite number? 1-6 6-8 8-20 20-50 50-100 100-200 200-300 2/9 What's your favorite color? Pretty colors Red Pink White Blue Green Other 3/9 You are? Popular Country Dumb Smart Cute Good singer Sporty 4/9 What would you rather drink? Water Apple cider Milkshake Tea Soda Anything Smoothie 5/9 What do you do on your free time? Design stuff Hang out with friends Nothing I don't get free time Eat! Sing Sports 6/9 What are you good at? Sports Making people beautiful Farming Nothing Solving Food! Being an angel 7/9 What flavor ice cream is better Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry Mint Coffee All Other 8/9 If you were at a park and you saw someone getting bullied what would you do? Go show that bully who is boss Tie them up Run by like an idiot Ask someone to go help Go up to them and say "bad!" Go help the person being bullied Show the bully how it feels to be bullied 9/9 What sweet would you rather eat? Cookies Ice cream Candy brownies Cake Cup cakes Fudge