What Animal Are You (11)

What Animal Are You (11)

Have You Ever Thought If You Were An Animal What Animal Would You Be. Now You Can Know.

published on March 10, 2014

If Your Friends Had To Give One Word To describe You, What Would It Be?

If Your Friends Had To Give One Word To describe You, What Would It Be?
"I can't in just one"

If Your Friends Are Talking Behind Your Back, What Do You Do/Say.

If Your Friends Are Talking Behind Your Back, What Do You Do/Say.
I just let them do. Maybe they'll stop.
I would say, "If you have a problem then fine." then I would ignore them and makeup in a few days.
I would ignore them.
I would ask my family for advise.
I would make a joke up that would give them hints about how I feel.
I would just tell them how I feel.
I would pull a prank on them.
I would say, "If you have something to say then you should

What do you like to do in you free time?

What do you like to do in you free time?
Read or talk with friends
Think of things to do to people (pranks)
I don't know
See what everyone one in the house is doing
Practice sports
It maters what I feel like doing
Hang with friends

What would your dream house have for extra?

What would your dream house have for extra?
Just a normal house
A secret room hidden by a bookcase
I don't know
A room just for quiet
A sports field in the backyard
A huge pool
A Great Family room
It would have a arcade.

If you Had to pick your dream vacation, where would it be.

If you Had to pick your dream vacation, where would it be.
Somewhere that has a world record I could break
A cool Mansion that I could explore.
A cabin in the woods
By the sea so I could practice swimming
Somewhere with my family.
A cabin on a lake.
Somewhere with a football stadium
I have no Idea/Other

Let your true self glow.

Let your true self glow.
I love the sea.
I love my family.
I am shy.
I love to play sports.
I am sneaky and I'm proud of it.
I will stand up to anyone in need.
I am truly funny.
I will always be kind to anyone.