who are you from Drake and josh? I noticed that there weren't very many quizzes about Drake and Josh(why not?) So I decided to make one! If you liked it comment and say HUG ME BROTHA! douwant2buildasnoman123 published on March 10, 2014 Stacked 1/11 Say what you gotta say Pretty girls... Got an A yes! I like hamsters (Sings totally random song) I need more chicken!! 2/11 What are you scared of? Bugs Bad grades Being grounded Honey fear afraid of me Hobos 3/11 What is on your mind usually? Girls/boys School New ways to get away with things Me! Cheese 4/11 What is you girl/boyfriend like? Which one? Smart and competitive Wish I had one Scared of me. Good. Imaginary 5/11 Which one of these is your hobby? Singing/songwriting/playing an instrument Shopping Going n dates Reading Cooking Doing magic tricks Using the computer Playing pranks Bossing people around I collect things. Like hair. 6/11 What do you like about school? NOTHING The classes Seeing my friends I don't go to school Snack time! 7/11 What is your favorite kind of t.v show? Cartoons Cooking shows Documentaries Crime and justice DORA! It's the bomb. 8/11 Can you keep a secret? No Yes I can keep my own secrets. Oooo! I like gossip Shhhh 9/11 In your group of friends you are... The cool one The smart one The leader The bossy one I don't have friends:( 10/11 Who is your "enemy" A teacher Mother nature My sibling(s) The world Those who do not respect the art of licking cheese 11/11 If something next to you randomly caught fire what would you do? Slowly back away Call 911 and explain the situation Oh I probably had something to do with it Scream Pretty lights...