if you had powers they would be... have you ever thought about the powers you could have like water,fire,air,electricity,ice or even earth! take this quick easy test and all those thoughts will go away! Bella.pink150304 published on March 09, 2014 Stacked 1/7 your nightmares are about... flods! sun melting everything! earthquakes ! fire! mirrors that reflect light! Bee dieing! no wind! 2/7 whats your favourite kind of music…. pop! la la de da! rock! soft music rap! country music hip hop! 3/7 whats your favourite colour... flaming red! white…I don't care if its a shade! RANBOW! green! Black... light light light blue... aqua! 4/7 i'm starting to run out of questions so this is a stupid questionwitch letters do you like best…. F.E DONKEY! I.E A.R E.H W.R E.T.Y 5/7 what most describes you... a strike of light! kind.. a beauty Puppy! Cat! powerful.. a bit of a perfectionist swift! 6/7 you feel most comfortable when your…. playing in snow! in nature on the couch! by technology. by the burning fireplace... swimming... up high. 7/7 to you a yummy snack is... anything organic! A LAMP! soup or something warmed up... ice cream! just a glass of water maybe some crackers…. aero bar! potato chips…yumm!