What My little pony character are you? (2) This is a test to show what My little pony friendship is magic character mostly fits you. MCRMY2121 published on March 09, 2014 Stacked 1/10 If you could have any power what would it be? Fly Read minds Talk to animals Teleport Super speed Strength 2/10 Who is your favorite pony? Fluttershy Rainbowdash Rarity Applejack Twilight sparkle Pinkiepie 3/10 When you run into a problem what do you do? Run away from it Fight it with or with out friends Fight it if I have a friend with me Fight it alone Do what ever my friend does Run away and never ever look back 4/10 What food do you like best? Chicken Pizza Fries Salad Fruits Junk food 5/10 If a friend was being bullied what would you do? Tell and older pony Beat them up Stick up for my friend Stay out of the fight I have no friends I don't know 6/10 If someone bullies you what do you do? beat them up Show then who is better Kill them with kindness Ignore them I get bullied a lot im used to it Show them im smarter 7/10 What role fits you best? Sporty Fun and hyper Beautiful Country gal Book worm Shy 8/10 What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Chocolate Vanilla Coffee Mint Strawberry Other or all 9/10 What do you do on your free time? Party Rock out and chill Play with pets Make overs with friends Make apple pies Read 10/10 What is your element? Honesty Kindness Loyalty Laughter Generosity Magic