will you be successful?

Allot of peoples live evolve around this one question. "Will I be successful?""Will I.."Will I?". Find out in this quiz!

published on March 08, 2014

Your probably going to do...

What job your parents did and follow the
What job your parents want you to do.
A job you know you'll love, but may not pay well.
A job of your choice not your parents!

Your aiming for...

A job that pays well
A happy future
A family
To be a successful and great human

The job that sounds best is:

None, thanks :)

Finish the next upcoming sentences, (there is no correct answer, pick however you choose!!): those who matter...

Can't always be present in our future
Will choose my future
Are the ones closest to me
Will play a part in my future

You want to:

Have a good paying job, a family, a warm home.
No children, but a happy lifestyle.
Well actually I can't make up my mind.
Focus on making my family proud, whatever, whenever.

Whatever happens:

I'll be there
Call me
Give me a ring!
Text me but I might not answer !

To be succesfull you need to:

Know what your doing , plan out, strive forward, settle down, make a living
Always try hard , never give up, but keep family close, always.
Con people, let's be honest. Most succesfull people Are Con Men!
Wease your way through the cracks, slowly making it to the top of the top! Then you'll be succesfull! Slowly, mercily

You just wanna be:

Happily successful
Happy n rich
Rich n successful

You feel :

Unsure about your future.
You need your parents guidance more!
Excited for what the future holds!

Last question, do you think you'll be succesful.? Remember you've got to be sure! Always steady to be successful and happy♠♥♥

Yes, I think I will be❇
Yes, I've got a good future♣
No, I don't know, I'm confused, I don't want to be a success.
Nah #Cba. Who cares? Live for now. Watev