Which mlp are you? (1) See what My Little Pony would suit you best. Just take the quiz to see who you are most like. :P kermitthefrog published on March 04, 2014 Stacked 1/8 What's your favourite color? Orange Yellow Purple Indigo Pink Blue 2/8 Who is your favourite pony? AppleJack Twilight Fluttershy Rarity Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash 3/8 Where would you want to live? In the clouds A glamorous house Sweet Apple Acres A house made out of a tree (library) In a bakery A little cottage 4/8 What do your friends think of you... Athletic Shy and quiet I read too much tough hilarious and bubbly I have a good sense of fashion 5/8 What do you like to wear? Something comfortable Something glamorous and sparkly Something Unique Something Simple and elegant Something that I can easily run around in (sweats) I like to dress casual 6/8 What pet would you rather have? A dog crocodile Cat Turtle Owl Bunny Other...Please comment below 7/8 What would you name the pet that you chose? Angel Winona Tank Gummy Opalescence Owlowiscious Other...Please comment below with the pet of your choice 8/8 Are you ready to see who you are most like???? You bet I am!! Of course. I will be 20% cooler when I find out! Duh! YYYYEEEESSSS! Why of course dear yes??? We have been taking a test? Where was I when it happened? (Me: Reading your favourite book... How rude)