What word best fits you? Answer the questions as closely as they describe you. If the words dont fit you, its okay! Rebecca13 published on March 01, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Your favorite color is.... Blue,Green,Black,Red Obviously something bright ANYTHING!!!! Pink or Purple magenta, turqorize, aqua, or lime green. 2/5 Your favorite hobby is.... Going to school and seeing my friends! Helping others Playing outside or inside, but you have to be running or playing sports! Umm...I think I would like to be with my friends....but I love..umm..wait what was the question again? Theatre class! Getting my absolute favorite part in the play would be amazing! 3/5 Favorite animal... an animal that moves fast or slow dog cat Water animals Any animal adorble 4/5 You like cooking or baking better cooking....duh!! Baking....I like to measure cups,ts,tbs..exc... Whats the difference... just kidding...I like baking! I dont like to be judgemental..so im not picking As long as I'm doing it...I love it! 5/5 The most important things in the world to me are... Teammates and Family Family and Friends Education and family and friends Family, friends, education, and dreams Family, friends, education, teammates, dreams...should I go on?