Favorite Food Quiz Find out what food you would be through this intensive and self-finding and inrtospective. just kidding its a freaking personality quiz about food. teethandpaste published on February 27, 2014 Stacked 1/5 In your spare time you like to, climb trees and stuff #yoloswag hug kittens and puppies i like to eat food. nothing. i hate life. I love to hang out with friends. #letsrobabank 2/5 My favorite out fit is a tshirt a skirt made of pure sunshine anything neon. i love to blind people YOUR MOM! clothes that rule the world. literally. #bringingbackthehitlerstache 3/5 If you could live anywhere in the world you would live in jamaica!!!! or anywhere tropical a box. ANYWHERE that i could dominate anyone of or anything cupcake. an asylum #lovemesomecrazypeople 4/5 Finish the sentence: I walk into the club like whatup.. wheres the pizza? HEEY BRO I love ya man hey OMG wanna split a banana I wanna go home. -___- OMG you look wonderful. your like a rainbow in a field of daisys after a like shower of happiness I will kick your butt in a dance contest... DIE TURKEY DIE 5/5 I Like to read... books. YOUR FACE! neon signs thank you cards. i like making them too Presidental speeches