vampire or a werewolf who is your match find out and see is it jacob the werewolf or edward the vampire those characters are both frome TWILIGHT GANGSTABERRY published on February 26, 2014 Stacked 1/8 do you like dogs? yes no 2/8 do you like it when its sunny or dark? dark light both 3/8 do like them tanned or pale? tanned pale 4/8 do you prefere daring or shy? daring shy 5/8 out of these colours whats your favourite colour red or green? red green 6/8 do u like dark or light colors light dark 7/8 would you rather eat or drink blood or raw meat? raw meat blood 8/8 grow old and stay with your loved ones and die together or stay young and watch your loved ones grow old and die. stay young and watch your loved ones grow old and die. grow old and stay with your loved ones and die together