What HB Teacher Are You? (This is not a survey) Answer the following questions to determine what HB teacher you would be! lchesler17 published on February 24, 2014 Stacked 1/10 My favorite movie is: The Sound of Music La Dolce Vita The Last Waltz Caddyshack Red Gladiator Young Frankenstein Despicable Me Endless Summer Castaway Patton 2/10 My favorite type of music is: Country Folk Alternative 90s Alt Rock Classic Rock Rolling Stones Evanescence Roots Music Hip Hop Greek Pop Chinese Pop Classical/Jazz 3/10 How would your friends describe you? Intelligent, friendly, caring Gregarious, affectionate, outgoing Intellectual, kind, neurotic Kind, caring, delusional Smart, introspective, loyal Fun-loving, hard-working, loyal Trustworthy, sincere, strong Thoughtful, compassionate, intelligent Supportive, trustworthy, creative Tall, tall, tall Independent, flexible, caring Curious, informed, a good person 4/10 If you saw a student walking down the hall out of dress code, what would you do? Do you realize you're out of dress code? Think about it. Nothing Feel bad about the depths to which they have fallen, be disappointed, and pity them. I never notice dress code. Give them a point! Say, "Hi girl, that's pretty, but it's not appropriate to wear at school. If you're wearing it you might get a detention. If I noticed, sarcastically (in a mocking way) I would ask her why she's breaking the rule. 5/10 Are you: A nerd Popular Kinda just there Comedian All of the above 6/10 My favorite subject is: Biology Science Literature English Nominative History Math Calculus Geometry Social Sciences 7/10 My spirit animal is: Owl Horse Squirrel that has darted out into the road (roadkill squirrel) Meerkat Dog Kitty Panther Yellow Lab Cheetah Koala Wolverine 8/10 What would you have been voted in high school? Most likely to succeed Biggest nerd Most mellow Most likely to be average height Most popular Most barefoot Nothing Most oblivious Most modest Most likely to be a professional athlete Most likely to be a teacher 9/10 The Phrase I am most caught saying is: What would happen if you put a plastic bag over your head? You'll die. Does that make sense? I don't know what I'm talking about. Daphne stop that. Right? Anybody got any good jokes? Chance favors the prepared mind. Simple is not simplistic. No worries! Opa! Girl Oh and one more thing... 10/10 What is your best quality? Intelligence Dependability Feeling things really intensely None that I'm aware of Tolerance I really care about people Hard working Down to earthedness Willingness to help out Organization I'm entertaining