how much are we alike? how much are we alike i must know and you must know too!!! tell me know or else....i'll PIE you!!! Creepyjadee published on February 24, 2014 Stacked 1/5 what do you do in your spare time? play video games read books sleep watch tv 2/5 video games? wait was that a question? they are my life litterally you would always see me on a video game when im at home!!!! video games SUCK!!! I play them a lot I play them sometimes 3/5 do like anime? NO!! i absolutly HATE it!!! anime is my life!!! I'll watch it sometmes.... whats that? 4/5 books? o.k, tell me if thats a question that is noy a question!!! I only read them if I have to I read them... books are my life!!! 5/5 what's your favorite color? RAINBOW!! pink black red purple