Which wolf of the Crescent pack are you? find out which character of wolves of the mist you are most likely like? jalays.com jalays270 published on February 16, 2014 Stacked 1/8 What is most important to you? Trust Love Respect My word The past responsibility Food Family Redemption 2/8 My friends would describe me as Stubborn Patient An oppertunist Optamistic Lazy Short-tempered Persuasive Responsible open minded 3/8 When a helpless situation arises everyone gives up, however you To hell with it Will keep at it even if this is the third time failing Call for help Panic Throw a fit about it Let the saps do the work, I have better things to do Fall back and rethink the situation for a solution I was never a part of it to begin with it, i do not care i need encouragement, but it can go the other way around 4/8 How do you prefer to hunt? I need to think of a plan always I do not do the hunting thing sooo...yeah Just call me your wingman, I am ready when you are I like to tire the prey out first No plan needed I am quick minded and fast on my feet I prefer a powerful hit to the neck area ending it quick zzzz...oh crap i am late Crush it with fear, then i will get them while they are down Ambush 5/8 This is how I fight Whats a fight? I Avoid the fight I just let the grunts do it, that is what there there for Let's end it quickly no mercy I use their own strength against them To Focuse on the defense is the best fighting position No style it just comes to me instinctively EYES! Get them in the eyes! I watch my partners back 6/8 What are your views on life? Success rules all Hate it here Freaking awesome...Next! he he There is no point in stressing, Take it easy. The world is confusing Life is nothing without a happy family It is good as long as there is food la la la pretty birds i was lost but i found my way 7/8 You are stranded in an unknown location, suddenly you hear voices in the distance, what do you do? Wait for them to leave then take their stuff observe from a distance Stalk them for a while to get a better idea of who they are but i have no interest joining I want to join but I am going to wait a while until i know them better scared? ha ha what! They attack they die end of discussion Give them a peace offering Oh no I am so out of here Yay! new friends...Wheee (runs towards them) nothing at all because i want to find out where i am 8/8 The laws say "Never hunt the young" but there is an injured baby fawn with no one around One nibble won't hurt Help it back to the den, all life is sacred Rules are rules even if i am hungry My will is strong (sulks) I will be lucky if I get anything tonight sigh dinner is so far away Meh Rules? haha thats a good one, excuse me while i eat i am just going to continue my walk