What warrior are you

What warrior are you

This quiz will determine what warrior are you, the savage and powerful beserker or the calm and cool samurai.

published on February 17, 2014

Your weapon breaks while your fighting another warrior, what do you do?

Your weapon breaks while your fighting another warrior, what do you do?
I don't care, I'll kill with what's left of it!
Ok I'll kill you with my fists.
Oh well, my shield will work.
I'll just shoot you with my bow.

Your opponent begs you for mercy after defeating him what do you do.

Your opponent begs you for mercy after defeating him what do you do.
Ask the ruler what to do.
Laugh at him than chop him into pieces.
With a swift stroke of your weapon you kill him.
Give him mercy and leave.

How do you fight?

By running in the middle of the battle and killing everything in arms reach
By waiting for my opponents to make the first move than counter it.
By shooting out there eyes then slicing them in half .
By blocking all blows they make than slash them than block again.

Why do you fight?

Because there is no other choice
For the honor of my people.
Because I like splitting peoples skulls and chopping people in half.
In the name of my religion

What is your preferred food?

What is your preferred food?
Whatever is given to me.
Meat, what else?
Something that actually tastes good.

What weapon would you rather use

Axes and long swords
Your blade and shield
Your family Katana and bow
It does not matter to me I use what I am given

What is the bad side of your personality

I am Greedy and a little Religious.
I am a little unemotional.
I am very sadistic and like killing things to much.
I am a little prideful.

You are fighting a giant in single combat what do you do.

You are fighting a giant in single combat what do you do.
If I die I am taking him with me.
I have fought more powerful warriors
I will chop his legs out from under him than slice his head off.
If I die at least I die honorably but he will remember this fight.

You have to hold off a hundred warriors while your people are evacuating

You have to hold off a hundred warriors while your people are evacuating
I don't care about the people I only care about killing my enemies
I have to leave I don't want to die
You won't touch my people!
I will hold my ground until death!

Your opponent slices one your of your fingers off what do you do.

Your opponent slices one  your of your fingers off what do you do.
He chops my finger off I chop his arm off
He couldn't because I have armor.
I would keep fighting because loosing a finger will not kill me yet.
I would attack him again.