Who are you from Legend Of The Seeker? Will you be Cara, Kahlan, Richard, Darken Rahl, Zedd, Denna, Jensen or an ordinary villager? catrahlxxx published on February 11, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Where would you rather live? Midlands Westlands D'Hara New World Old World Palace of the Prophets/Aydindrill All of the Above None of the Above 2/7 Would you kill for the ones you loved/served? Yes Probably Maybe I don't know Probably not No. 3/7 Do you want the series to carry on after the last two seasons? Yes. No. I don't care/know. 4/7 What powers would you have? Two ageils and the breath of life. Two knives/daggers and Love. Sword of Truth. Teleportation. One ageil + breath of life. None. Immunity to others powers. Normal Wizard of the First Order's powers... Duh! 5/7 Who is your favourite character? Cara Richard Kahlan Darken Rahl Denna Jensen Zedd Villagers 6/7 What colour would you wear most out of these? Red/Purple Browns White Browns/Blacks/Blues White/Pink/Reds/Purples Reds and Browns Reds and Golds Any of the above 7/7 Who is your least favourite character? Cara Richard Kahlan Darken Rahl Denna Jensen Zedd Villager