what kind of tree are you This qiuz will tell you what tree is best fit for you like maple,oak, and pine sidneylover365 published on February 09, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Ice cream flavor Peanut butter and chocolate Neopoleton (vanilla,strawberry,and chocolate) butter pecan cookies and cream 2/5 What do you do on a beautiful day? Stay inside Take my friends to the park and just relax Take my dog out and play fetch go outside and text my friends 3/5 Favorite subject? Math i love adding up the cookies to give to people Reading i love the adventure Writing i love to writ down gossip Recess i love cheating in different sports 4/5 What is your favorite season and why? Winter because it is dark and dreary Spring because i love watching the flowers bloom summer because i love to hang out with my friends fall because i love watching the trees change colors 5/5 What do you like to do with your friends? Take them out for dinner and pay for all of it go to the park and get ice cream but let them pay for it Take them out to eat then say i have the money to pay for mine and leave them stranded there Say were going to the movies and then go to see dora live in concert