what spongebob charactar are u fun quiz have fun hope u like it took me a few minutes to make this quiz rate 5 stars laurenhallipop123 published on February 08, 2014 Stacked 1/10 what do you do on weekends when your bored go shopping to get new shoes sit down watch tv and eat krabby patties do some sweet karate play with my pet play me fave instument try to steal recipies 2/10 whats your fave pet none they are stupid a snail a worm 3/10 do you like puppies no there gross little creatures more like rats yes they are adorable 4/10 are u a girl boy man idiot an animal woman 5/10 whats the first line of the theme song oh who lives in a pineapple under the sea i dont know 6/10 whats your fave food chocolate bon bons krabby patties anything high in protien snail chow 7/10 how would you react if spongebob kissed you smack his face your face goes red kiss him back 8/10 whats your fave color red pink purple blue 9/10 who would yo marry a hot boy a cute chick 10/10 what job would you like a fry cook a karate teacher