awhich duck dynasty character are you? my quiz is to help you find which duck dynasty character you are i hope you have fun finding out!!!! alizabeth22 published on January 28, 2014 Stacked 1/12 do you like out doors? yes no extremely a little bit 2/12 jase willie jep jase willie jep all three 3/12 napping or hunting? napping hunting 4/12 would you go in buisness with family? yes no 5/12 guns bows lazer stungun GUNS bows lazer stungun all of them 6/12 phil or SI phil SI why not both 7/12 duck call or deer call duck call deer call heck with it why noy both 8/12 which character do you like best? SI JASE WILLIE PHIL JEP MISS KAY MARTIN GODWIN KORIE JESICIA MISSY THE KIDS 9/12 what is your favorite color red camo blue green 10/12 would you rather hunt and fish or dress up and cook hunt fish dress up cook 11/12 love or like duck dynasty love like 12/12 who would you rather hang out with? sadie john luke