which cat in the hat character are you

which cat in the hat character are you

take the awesome cat in the hat quiz!!!will you be Conrad, sally, mom, quin, ms.kwan, the fish, or the things

published on January 21, 201440 responses 3
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is your room messy

is your room messy
perfectly clean
kind of messy
my room is filled with toys so yeah
I cant find my bed so does that answer your question
I don't know all I do is sleep in there
its messy what can I say im full of energy also that's what a kid does

if your dog ran away what would you do

if your dog ran away what would you do
call its name
ask people if they either found it or saw it
I hated that dog ugh
I don't know im to busy with work
I don't have a dog
look every where for it
I don't care

do you like roller coasters

do you like roller coasters
uhh yeah
I live for roller coasters
I sleep on them
hate them
never went on one
kind of like them

do you like to get down and dirty in the mud

do you like to get down and dirty in the mud
eww no
im a man yes
I don't care
if its fun
if I have to
yes yes yes
uhh no brainer yes

who do you think you got

who do you think you got
the cat in the hat
the things
mrs. kwan