Conflict Resolution Personality Quiz

Conflict Resolution Personality Quiz

Discover your approach to handling conflicts in relationships Take this quiz to find out!

published on March 07, 2024

When faced with a disagreement, I tend to:

When faced with a disagreement, I tend to:
Avoid confrontation and try to maintain peace
Seek compromise and find a middle ground
Stand my ground and argue my point passionately

My communication style during conflicts is mostly:

My communication style during conflicts is mostly:
Reserved and non-confrontational, I struggle to express my emotions
Open and empathetic, I listen and validate others' feelings
Direct and assertive, I express my thoughts clearly and decisively

How do you typically react when criticized by others?

How do you typically react when criticized by others?
Defend my actions and provide justifications for my behavior
Reflect on the feedback and try to make improvements
Feel hurt and withdraw, avoiding further conflict

In a heated argument, I am more likely to:

In a heated argument, I am more likely to:
Stay calm and rational, looking for a solution
Shut down emotionally and try to end the conversation quickly
Get more passionate and assertive in expressing my views

When resolving conflicts, I value:

When resolving conflicts, I value:
Respecting individual opinions and standing up for my beliefs
Avoiding tension and preserving the relationship, even at the cost of my needs
Harmony and finding common ground with others

How do you feel after a conflict has been resolved?

How do you feel after a conflict has been resolved?
Empowered and confident in sticking to my beliefs
Unsettled and anxious, unsure if the resolution is lasting
Relieved and satisfied that understanding was reached

I prefer to deal with conflicts by:

I prefer to deal with conflicts by:
Confronting the issue head-on and seeking resolution immediately
Letting things settle on their own and avoiding confrontation
Engaging in open dialogue and negotiation

When someone disagrees with me, I tend to:

When someone disagrees with me, I tend to:
Try to understand their perspective and find common ground
Retreat and stay silent to avoid conflict
Argue my case strongly and defend my viewpoint

How would you describe your conflict resolution skills?

How would you describe your conflict resolution skills?
I struggle with conflicts and often avoid them altogether
I excel at finding compromises and maintaining harmony
I am proficient in asserting my opinions and resolving disputes

My attitude towards conflicts is usually characterized by:

My attitude towards conflicts is usually characterized by:
Avoidance and discomfort in facing confrontations
Assertiveness and determination to find a resolution
Patience and willingness to work through disagreements

When tensions rise, I am more likely to:

When tensions rise, I am more likely to:
Get more intense and vocal in expressing my position
Stay composed and look for solutions calmly
Retreat and withdraw from the conflict, seeking peace at any cost

My approach to resolving conflicts involves:

My approach to resolving conflicts involves:
Active listening, empathy, and compromise
Avoiding direct confrontation and hoping the issue resolves itself
Asserting my needs clearly and standing firm in negotiations