What main starter pokemon would you get as a pokemon trainor? Would you get cute little squrtle, or charmander who can become one of the most mighty pokemon in the world? Or maybe you prefer a bulbasuar? Firestar105 published on November 09, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What size do you prefer? Big enough to walk next to me. Not to small, not to big. Something that can fit on my shoulder Small, the size of about a foot. What do you mean I am so confused. 2/10 What team would you join if they were teams? Infernape Splash cross Jungle treger What kind of team, like soccer, lacrosse... 3/10 Which sounds cooler? A dragon that breathes blue fire A creature that can go through water in a blink A four legged dinosaur that can travel through the tree's faster than a monkey Yah I'm not picking between these dumb choices. 4/10 What evolution of Eevee do you like best? Flareon Leafeon Vaporeon I am so confused 5/10 What attack sounds better? Ember Tackle Razor leaf My fist 6/10 Which is the cutest pokemon? Mudkip Shaymin Tepig Um I have no interest in these stupid creatures. Jumpluff Flareon Piplup 7/10 What is your favorite color out of these? Red Blue Green Umm 8/10 What type do you fancy? Fire Water Leaf Umm, what do you mean by type? 9/10 Which of these is most troubling to do for you? Hiking Swimmimg Sitting in the hot sun Watching pokemon Playing pokemon Doing yard work Doing the ice bucket challenge Having no air conditioning 10/10 What is the most powerful pokemon that you like out of these? Reshiram Blazicin Articuno Chesnaught Vaporeon Leafeon What the heck are these things?