What weather fits you best? Literally what it says on the title... what weather are you? are you stormy, or sunny? lucas.filipepaixao published on December 17, 2016 Stacked 1/10 What r u most afraid of Epidemics Earthquakes Severe Freeze Hunger Extreme heat 2/10 Fav colour of these Grey/brown Pink/white Red/yellow Blue/green Black/purple 3/10 How old do ya act? Tween baby senior Adult Teen 4/10 How would u describe urself? Idealist Realistic Pregmatist skeptic optimist 5/10 Choose a name Paul/Dorothy James/Susan John/margaret David/Jennifer Joseph/Elizabeth 6/10 Fav weather Cloudy Snowy Windy Sunny Rainy 7/10 Fav season All of em Fall Summer Winter Spring 8/10 Chose an animal: Hawk Owl Pigeon Raven Parrot 9/10 What would u rather do in ur spare time? Party/hang out Work on a hobby Read/study Play sports VIDEO GAMES! 10/10 Which super power would u have?(btw, sans has teleportation, thats why hes the pic) Invisibility Flying Teleportation Telepathy Healing