Jedi or sith? (1) If you were in star wars, would you be a jedi or a sith? Take my quiz to find out! ILikeCheese published on September 02, 2016 Stacked 1/6 What kind of lighting is there when you sleep? Totally pitch-black. Even if my eyes adjust, I still can't see. The few lights that come through my window a nightlight I leave all of the lights on 2/6 chose an animal that represents you aardvark anaconda Beaver Bison chameleon carp discus dolphin eagle eel fox falcon goldfish giant panda hawk heron iguana insect 3/6 chose one of these colors red orange green blue brown Black 4/6 If you chose to play the drums, why would you chose them? I chose the drums because they seem easy. I actually truly honestly like the drums The drums are loud. The drums can be played steadily drums are big, big things are cool i wanted to help in my friend's band and they needed a drummer 5/6 Where do you enjoy being? In the big city at loud rock-style concerts At a farm at parties with lots of people In my own personal space without lots of people 6/6 chose your favorite letter A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z