Which Position in Quidditch Fits You? Answer the questions and you will have the perfect position. Answer truthfully, pls! Cute_Strawberry_Lemongrass_Jelly published on August 07, 2018 Stacked 1/5 If you are to choose what kind of position you play, what would you choose? Seeker Beater Keeper Chaser 2/5 If you have the Quaffle, and a Bludger is coming toward you, what would you do? I would dodge the Bludger first, then pass I would first pass, then dodge the Bludger I would first shoot, then dodge the Bludger I would first dodge the Bludger, then shoot I would let the Bludger give me a cracked skull so I can be in the hospital wing to sleep. Screw you, dummy! 3/5 Do you think that those questions are nice? No, screw you! Yeah, dumb Inaccurate Stupid! Fine 4/5 If you got detention, what would you think you've missed? QUIDDITCH, of course! Sunshine... REVIEW TIME! Time with my friends... 5/5 You've just entered a room full of gadgets. What would you choose? Locket of Slytherin Diadem of Helena Ravenclaw Gold Sword of Godric Gryffindor Just a bit further... The Cup of Helga Hufflepuff A Silver Ring