What Is Your Inner Spirit Animal Find out what animal you represent and what skills you possess by taking this quiz! Dei_Dei published on January 20, 2014 Stacked 1/7 When you are in your bed, what do you think? I must finish this and do that tomorrow! Sleep to my heart's content I refuse to sleep until I do my duties! I'll read and get and get enough sleep Such a day today... What is the next technique I should pull? 2/7 What represents you the best, according to others? Endurance and Daring Intelligence and Calmness Courage Straightforwardness Modesty and Casualness Cheerful and Energetic 3/7 You see six colors of string, you pull out the... Red! Pink! Yellow! Black! Green! White! 4/7 Which animals would you like as allies and friends? Tiger, sheep and dog Sheep and rabbit Horse and dog Rat, snake and rooster Ox and rooster Rat dragon and snake 5/7 You have a test tomorrow, what is your reaction? If I try hard enough, I'm sure I'll be good enough... Just get enough sleep, I'll be fine I must put in my heart to do this or I'm doomed to fall Ok... I'll get to studying I'll do this calmly and neatly Piece of cake! 6/7 Yin or Yang? Yin! Yang! 7/7 If you had to admit, what is a negative thing about you? Stuborness Laziness Cruelness No Sociability Slyness Cheekiness