could you be my cat? (recomended for girls)

could you be my cat? (recomended for girls)

Find out if you are my cat! I really hope you like this quiz because I am going to try to find lots of cute cats on the internet! sorry but no pics of my cat!

published on February 11, 20157 responses 2
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You have 3 fish, one salmon, one fish stick, and one tuna fish. If you truly are like my cat, which one do you choose?

You have 3 fish, one salmon, one fish stick, and one tuna fish. If you truly are like my cat, which one do you choose?
None, I hate fish!

If you had two dogs in your house what would you do to them? Think like a cat.

If you had two dogs in your house what would you do to them? Think like a cat.
Scratch them
Run away scared then hiss if they come near me.
Cuddle with them! They are so adorable!

What is you favorite type of dog?

What is you favorite type of dog?
EeeewwI Hate dogs.
Um.. I don't exactly have one.
Every kind you can imagine, then times that by infinity!
I don't know the names, but about 3 kinds.

There are three paths, one leads to a life time supply of cat food, another is a supply if fish, and the last one is a years supply of money. From the perspective of a cat what path would you take?

There are three paths, one leads to a life time supply of cat food, another is a supply if fish, and the last one is a years supply of money. From the perspective of a cat what path would you take?
The money path, duh!
Um.. the cat food path?
The fish path!

If you had 9 lives what would you do with them?

If you had 9 lives what would you do with them?
Nothing, just go about my daily life.
Everything! Duh!
Lay in the middle of the train tracks then let the train ride over me. (What? it works in the movies).
Eat ten bars of chocolate (usually kills animals)

Every type of cat is standing in front of you food bowl. What do you do to get them away?

Every type of cat is standing in front of you food bowl. What do you do to get them away?
Scratch them, hiss, and A T T A C K !
Excuse me please, that is my food bowl behind you
M-O-O-V-E !
Go away, I am hungry, mad and you D O N ' T want to mess with my food right now.

If there are two cats one big and one small, which do you choose to be you friend?

If there are two cats one big and one small, which do you choose to be you friend?
Neither I don't know them.
Scratch them
walk away.

If you had to choose three of the best qualities you want in a cat what would they be? There is a wrong answer if you want to be my cat.

If you had to choose three of the best qualities you want in a cat what would they be? There is a wrong answer if you want to be my cat.
Long hair, friendly, playful.
Short hair, shy, friendly.
Big, mean, playful.
Short hair, playful, tiny.

There are two doors, the blue leads to another door, the other door is green and it leads to space. what door would you choose?

There are two doors, the blue leads to another door, the other door is green and it leads to space. what door would you choose?
Blue, duh!
You never said what the other door went to.