R U ANNOYING TO ANOTHER PERSON??? SOooo yeah this is a really stupid description soo yeah just read a few more words. I_LOVE_DORA_5559 published on January 15, 2014 Stacked 1/5 What is your favorite kind of music? POP classical 80s rap 2/5 Do you obsess about your favorite things around your friends without them. I always do. Sometimes but only when my friends are around. Never why would I? 3/5 Do you jump around all the time and surprise people by jumping on their back? Well duhhh. well it happens to me. YAYAYYAYAY 4/5 Your favorite color? Rainbows!! PinkPinkPink Any color doesn't really matter. 5/5 ASDFGHJKLQWERTYUIOPZXCVBNM12345678910<>>?":{}+_)(*&^%$#@!,./;'[]=-`~\(do you say this all the time?) I dont even know what that says so why would i say it? Anytime,anywhere. The weird alphabet