Genius Test Are you Special, Average, Smart, Very Smart, Genius or Einstein. Find Out Now! sh0ck published on January 14, 2014 Stacked 1/12 Is saliva a acid or base? saliva is a saliva not a base or acid! Saliva is an alkaline aka a base, it dilutes powerful acids before they enter the digestive system! A base. c0nfUz3D 2/12 hav u made any serious scientific discoveries yeah, only a few! TONSjust wot is a discovery anyway! plenty, i hav made 7 new laws in phisics and found a new element! Nah not any, i havent even tryed though 3/12 How many "F's" are in dis sentence.Fiddly Frank fell from forty four thousand feet, while calling da firebrigade, FAIL! 1! 9! NONE! idk Im such a smart ass, its 1! 4/12 wot is ur favourite video? play school :D rise of the zombies 3 The recent documentary called, the scientific explanation for anything and everything 1+1=2 yay, wait wot was da question... 5/12 If you had your dream job what would it be? A part time scientist! A super dooper superhero! A soccer star! A scientist! 6/12 a=(b/b)*bWhat is the value of "a" I never pay attention in algerbra! a=b Obviously a=c??? defauq, wot was da question 7/12 wot concerns u most? B b b braaaainns! Knowledge, Logic, Memory, Calculus and Perception! Relationships and Sport! Porn 8/12 how many squares wots a square 360! 245!? idk 9/12 What in girls/boys attract u most! Personality Sex appeal wot dus attract mean??? Looks ability to hav looksies 10/12 Wot is ur favourite game? hop scotch wot a game Chess, its a game of stratagy and planing! 11/12 State Newtons 2nd law. who's newton? F=MA aka force equals mass times acceleration! F=A/M aka force equals acceleration divided by mass! why are these questions so hard! 12/12 complete dis pattern!1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21... I cant see the pattern! 34? Fibonacci! 34, 55, 89.Thats enough already! wots a pattern