What army is best for you in warhammer? What warhammer race is best for you? This is for Warhammer 40k. Just remember, if you cant decide, go for the pretty one. ElementalEclipse published on January 12, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Your being charged. What do you do? Their charging us? Bad move. Have large numbers of units try kill them as they charge. 2/5 What is the most important thing? Versatility Swarms Speed Fire power Expendable units that protect the 'Good Guys' Vehicles Fire. Lots of fire. 3/5 An enemy ahead! What do you do! Set up a position with your units and shoot it. Run backwards and fry them. Charge them. Swoop in, kill, swoop out Fire your main artillery line 4/5 Which of these appeal to you the most? The elite enhanced soldiers fighting for the fate of mankind An ancient race trying to recover from an event called the 'fall' which demolished their empire. The newest race in the galaxy who fight with Battlesuits, Robots and other things. GREEN BOYZ DAT LIVE TO FIGHT AND CLOBBER DA HUMIES AND DA ALIEN Non-enhanced soldiers. They have super high numbers as every human that can shoot joins. They have Tanks and the one and only BANEBLADE Space Marines that were corrupted by a thing called the warp and they are pure evil. Since the space marines dont accept females, the religious Female Marine group. 5/5 need 5 questions chaos - good emprah = bad