What level horse rider are you? Novice, Intermediate, or Expert rider ? Take this quiz to find out! Hope you enjoy! kikizoey4me published on January 13, 2014 Stacked 1/11 What is the most common bit used? A straight on, DUH! An Egg-Butt Snaffle A Snaffle Bit 2/11 Do you know w/t/c (Walk,trot,canter) Yes,just learned/learning canter though No,just walk and some trotting Yes! I've known w/t/c for a year or longer 3/11 How many of the following things do you know how to do? :Do you know how to put on a saddle? Do you know how to put on a bridle w/bit?Do you know how to put on a martingale?Do you know how to walk,Trot, Post,Turn, Pull a mane,Pick up and clean hoofs, Put on a blanket.: -3 ( three or less) 4-9 All them 4/11 How long have you been riding? -3 years 3-7 years 7+ Years 5/11 99% Of "Broken" horses, Give to pressure Pull away from pressure 6/11 Do you still need to be on lunge/lead when riding? Yes! No! Heavens NO! 7/11 Which lead should you be on while catering? Lead? Whats a lead? Your inside lead 8/11 How many of these things have happened to you?Have you ever been: bitten ,Stepped on, Fallen off , Cleaned a bridle , Cleaned a saddle ,Been on a Run-A-Way . two or less of these all but 1-2 of these All of these things,multiple times. 9/11 What diagonal should you be on while trotting? Outside diagonal Whats a diagonal?? 10/11 Do you know how to tack up? Umm,No..../Whats "tack"? Yes.... Well obviously 11/11 What is the number ONE aid ? your saddle? No wait? your reins... Wait... IDK ? Your Seat? Your Seat!!