Are you my dream guy (boys only) Im a girl This quiz I figured would help me find the dream guy. take this quiz to fin out whether you are the one or if your just like a good friend. ballen147 published on January 12, 2014 Stacked 1/13 are you christain yes no I'm open minded 2/13 Do you love and want children yes I want a lil girl yes a lil boy not now maybe in the future. 3/13 Are you tall? yes no 4/13 what do you do in your free time. procrastinate and play video games. sing and recite poetry. sleep nothing give me something to do please Im bored. 5/13 are you 18 or up to 21. yes no to young no I'm a pedifile. 6/13 what would you do If you saw me held hostage by a criminal or being threatened. join the criminal or laugh kick the guys ass and Pick me up and carry me out. and kiss me for me showing my way of gratitude Come and comfort and hold me to keep me safe. 7/13 Do you communicate and have honesty. I am straight forward and will confront you about anything I need to talk to you about. eh I struggle a little bit. why do u need to no me. 8/13 hair color black red brown blonde other 9/13 how would you describer yourself Jock Nerd geek Old romance classy EMO :3 10/13 what would you do for a first date. dinner and a movie picnic and serenade go to see latest musical that is amazing and a must see. 11/13 do you think I'm attractive like an angel from heaven you are an acception. hell no 12/13 do you love singing and theatre? I love singing I love theatre I am walking Broadway I do theater and singing. no way 13/13 can you do an accent or have an accent (being bilingual counts) yes I can I am a good actor. I speak two languages ummmm bonjour? I got nothing