Who are you? (14)

Who are you? (14)

This test is unique in a lot of ways. Me and my firends are very unique at our school. People look at us because were differant. i've chosen 2 of my friends including me to put in this test. No matter what you say your'e going to be very suprised.

published on January 10, 2014

How many clubs or activities do you do

How many clubs or activities do you do
A lot, suprisingly
None I'm too scared people carry diseses
Enough to get me by

What's your favorite colour?

What's your favorite colour?
Orange! So bright!
All types of blue!
All types of blue, except navy blue

How much do you laugh

How much do you laugh
i won't shut up people have to slap me
i roll on the ground and laugh at everything! Even when I see horrible things
I laugh 24?/7

What's your idea of fun?

What's your idea of fun?
Watching movies with friends at home or the movies doesn't matter!
Running away from people that are scary
Going to the mall with friends!

Do you like the outdoors?

Do you like the outdoors?
Yes, i love being out there it's amazing
Ya obviously i love it
No just no

What's your favorite saying

What's your favorite saying
Mmmmhm gurrl you tursty
(insert name here) Would you marry me?
No, You dumb?

What's your favorite food

What's your favorite food
Anything and everything, expecally pizza!
Fried chicken

Whats your favorite movie out of all of these?

Whats your favorite movie out of all of these?
i can't pick just one so i like Matilda, Wreck it Ralph, and Wendy Wu Homecoming warrior.
The advengures