are you a mexican or a true american

are you a mexican or a true american

take the mexican quiz and find out your true colors. you will be supprised how accurate it is!!!!

published on January 09, 2014

what is your favorite sport?

what is your favorite sport?
soccer, go messi!!!!
i hate sports.

do you like to read?

do you like to read?
yes. i read whenever i get the chance.
no, i hate reading.
i only read when i have to.

you trip and fall flat on your face. do you:

you trip and fall flat on your face. do you:
get up and pertend nothing happened.
stay there and let out a lomg sigh. you hope nobody was paying attention.
stay there and wait for someone to help you up.
i never fall in front of people.

you enter a MacDonalds with some of your friends. you and your friends start being very loud. you:

you enter a MacDonalds with some of your friends. you and your friends start being very loud. you:
tell them to be quiet because people are looking.
don't care what people think, you are having a good time.
you don't go to MacDonalds.
does this matter?

you are at the mall. What is the first store that comes to your mind?

you are at the mall. What is the first store that comes to your mind?
abercrombie, duhhh
jc penny. good quality, cheap.
i hate the mall
the first store that i see is the first store i go to