When were you supposed to be born? The Birthday Genie will tell you which month you were supposed to be born in, just by answering a few questions. Peter_Belle published on January 13, 2014 Stacked 1/14 What is your favourite colour? Cherry Red Burnt Orange Egg Yolk Yellow Sunshine Yellow Baby Blue Forest Green Sky Blue Lilac Violet Lime Green Dark Purple Aqua Royal Blue Apricot Orange Midnight Black Baby Pink Fire Hydrant Red Mauve Coral Pink Slate Gray Hot Pink White Cream Mint Green 2/14 What type of hair do you have? Very short (such as a typical male hair cut or a short pixie crop), straight Very short, curly or wavy Short (such as a bob tapered at the jaw line), straight Short, curly or wavy Medium (such as a shoulder length cut or longer bob), straight Medium, curly or wavy Long (cut just beneath the shoulder blades), straight Long, curly or wavy Very long (cut in the middle of your back), straight Very long, curly or wavy Very, very long (cut pass the middle of your back), straight Very, very long, curly or wavy 3/14 What's your favourite activity/hobby? Indoor Sports Outdoor Sports Water Sports Dance / Gymnastics Theatre Music (including singing) Baking / Gardening Arts and Craft (painting, scrapbooking, sewing) Shopping Reading / Writing Makeup / Hair I don't have one or other 4/14 How many years between you and the sibling born before you? (If you are the eldest child just go with the time between you and the sibling born after you) I am an only child I am a twin 1 to 1.5 years 1.5 to 2 years 2 to 2.5 years 2.5 to 3 years 3 to 3.5 years 3.5 to 4 years 4 to 4.5 years 4.5 to 5 years 5 to 5.5 years 5.5 years or more 5/14 How many pets do you have? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 More than 10 6/14 What is the colour of your hair naturally? (if the Birthday Genie has not got an option for your exact hair colour, just pick the closest option) White Blonde Honey Blonde Dark Blonde Dirty Blonde Mousy Brown Medium Brown Dark Brown Jet Black Carrot Red Auburn Fire Engine Red Strawberry Blonde 7/14 What is the last letter of your surname? J or C W, H or M A or K S or L Q or E N or B T or Z U or F O or I D, Y or G P or V R or X 8/14 Out of these random objects which would you pick? Key Locket Four Leaf Clover Dice Charm Bracelet Tennis Ball Flower Headband Marble Whistle Bell Foreign Coin Lolly/Candy 9/14 How tall are you? (E.g. If you are 5 ft 1in / 154 cm please pick the 5 ft option) 4 ft 6 in / 137 cm or shorter 4 ft 8 in / 142 cm 4 ft 10 in / 147 cm 5 ft / 152 cm 5 ft 2 in / 157 cm 5 ft 4 in / 162 cm 5 ft 6 in / 167 cm 5 ft 8 in / 172 cm 5 ft 10 in / 177 cm 6 ft / 182 cm 6 ft 2 in / 187 cm 6 ft 4 in / 192 cm or taller 10/14 How many letters are in your middle name? 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 More than 12 or if you have multiple middle names I don't have a middle name 11/14 What letter of the Alphabet does your first name begin with? Y or H W or B E or C O, X or K S or D R or M A, T or I L or U F or J V or P G or Z Q or N 12/14 Add up all your house numbers of every house you've lived in (e.g. if you lived in number 12, number 252, and number 3, it would equal 267) and choose which category the amount falls into. 50 or less 51-100 101-200 201-300 301-400 401-500 501-600 601-700 701-800 801-900 901-1000 1001 or more 13/14 How many siblings do you have? 0 brothers, 0 sisters 1 brother, 0 sisters 0 brothers, 1 sisters 1 brother, 1 sister 2 brothers, 0 sisters 0 brothers, 2 sisters 2 brothers, 2 sisters 2 brothers, 1 sister 1 brother, 2 sisters 3 brothers, 0 sisters 0 brothers, 3 sisters Different Combination 14/14 What is your favourite subject at school? I don't have one/ I don't go to school/ Other English Math LOTE (language other than English) Humanities/social studies Science Sport/Health Photography/ media IT Performing art (dance, music and drama) Technology (wood work, metal work and food tech)