What color are you!! Blue, Pink, Green, White, or Black. What color are you? If you take this quiz, you'll find out. mmmAwesome published on January 09, 2014 Stacked 1/5 fav family member Dad Pets Older sis/bro Mom Younger sis/bro I love my family all the same/other 2/5 Let your destiny decide. Kind Fun/CRAZY Shy RUN Walk I'm going to chose this one because I really want destiny to chose!! 3/5 your fav book The city of Ember Warriors Twilight Hunger Games Divergent Other/I don't read 4/5 fav animal fish/ocean animal Cat (any kind; Tiger) Dog (any kind; Wolf) Bunny Crow (any kind of bird) Other/Don't have one 5/5 Your fav color BLUE!! Green!! P-I-N-K!!! white BBLLAACCKK I don't have one/Other