What Flavor Are You? (1)
Yea, so I was bored and wanted to make some people mad. Soooo This'll tell ya peeps what flavor you taste like. That way when the zombies come you'll know you taste good while they're eating you're brains....*looks past the camera* Was that a little to far? No? We aren't going to get sued for this right? Okay good.... Oh yea, anyway! I hope y'all have a nice time with this. I may have some guests... *looks past the camera again* What do ya mean they couldn't make it? A story only party?! Geez... Well just call up BEN.Drowned and Darkstar, I'm sure they have time to spare.... So... yea... Have fun! Oh and that green ice-cream is zombie flavored!
published on January 09, 2014