Which pony from the main 6 are you? Find out which one of the main 6 ponies you are from my little pony. Please comment down below which one you got and follow me! :D Geekgirlglasses published on January 05, 2014 Stacked 1/6 What do you do in your spear time? Go to the library Play with my pets or go to an animal shelter Put on mini shows Help in the garden Sew clothes or Do some knitting Do some sports 2/6 What's your favourite snack? Cookies Salad No meat! Sugary sweets Fruit Granola bars Energy drinks 3/6 What's you favourite season? Winter Spring I like all the seasons autumn Summer I don't have one I can whatever I want in any season 4/6 What's your favourite time of year? New year Easter Birthdays Thanks giving Christmas Summer sports festival 5/6 What's your favourite colour? Purple Yellow Pink Green White all colours 6/6 Who's your favourite pony? Twilight sparkle Fluttershy Pinkie pie Apple jack Rarity Rainbow dash