Would You Rather? (5) One or the other! The quizz is more like a game than a quizz, so it should be fun, I hope.. Quinn604 published on January 05, 2014 Stacked 1/30 Would you rather... get electrocuted every time you swear when you cry a baby dies 2/30 Would you rather... marry a know it all turn into a werewolf 3/30 Would you rather... kill your family for 7 billion dollars die to save your family 4/30 Would you rather... wear clothes that never fit you wear clothes you fit in but they never get clean 5/30 Would you rather... speak with a British voice for the rest of your life get hunted down in the woods since you were forced to wear a deer costume 6/30 Would you rather... be allergic to everything you love be allergic to meat 7/30 Would you rather... never sit down again never stand again 8/30 Would you rather... live in the 90's for 10 years eat something you hate for 10 years 9/30 Would you rather... have Twilight become real life for ever eat boogers for the rest of your life 10/30 Would you rather... be able to read minds be able to turn invisible 11/30 Would you rather... marry young marry old 12/30 Would you rather... laugh like you were kicked in the guy spot never be able to laugh again 13/30 Would you rather... star in a movie only watch movies 14/30 Would you rather... walk around naked walk into a school naked 15/30 Would you rather... be rich be famous 16/30 Would you rather... have the urge to kill have the urge to twerk like Miley 17/30 Would you rather... be a mermaid/man centaur 18/30 Would you rather... be black in a white neighborhood be white in a black neighborhood 19/30 Would you rather... dance in public where you would go world wide go bungee jumping and the cord snaps 20/30 Would you rather... never need to do laundry never get tired 21/30 Would you rather... never talk never stop talking 22/30 Would you rather... be an elephant have foot fungus 23/30 Would you rather... live for a thousand years and never age die tomorrow 24/30 Would you rather... turn into a vampire remain human 25/30 Would you rather... have every question you answered become true get back pain for the rest of your life 26/30 Would you rather... be dead be an animal 27/30 Would you rather... be known as a racist sing horribly live on tv 28/30 Would you rather... eat 20 ice cubes in 90 seconds forget everything you have done in the past 2 years 29/30 Would you rather... be afraid of spoons be afraid of your favorite singer 30/30 Would you rather... eat pringles eat takis