Which YouTuber would you be?

Which YouTuber would you be?

Answer the questions to discover which famous YouTuber you would be. Who will you be?

published on January 04, 2014

What is your favorite place to eat?

What is your favorite place to eat?
At home usually with my family.
Anywhere with a buffet!
Taccobell Forever!!!!
My fridge.
If its healthy I'm eating there.

What is your style?

What is your style?
Cute and stylish, vintage never hurt anyone.
Skinny jeans and dark t-shirts
I like to keep it classy.
Anything lying around,
Pastel colours.
I like to stay trendy and stripes are a big thing.
Something trendy and floraly- flower crowns are compulsary!

What do you most commonly do with your friends?

What do you most commonly do with your friends?
As long as they're there it doen't matter!
WE hit the town and go clubbing!
If me and my friends get together it gets crazy!
Minecraft, mostly. Or Adventure time!
Going out and having a nice meal.
Have you ever heard the saying #ForEverAlone?

How would you describe yourself?

How would you describe yourself?
A F*uck up.
Petite and cute!
I fit myself perfectly.
Bouncy energetic and ready for anything!
I am who I am and I'm fine with that-if your not then there's the door.
Meh, you know?

What is your favorte food?

What is your favorte food?
My chickenanya!
Is there even an answer?! ALL OF IT!!!
Taccobell is the best.
Gimme that Nutella!

What is you favorite pastime?

What is you favorite pastime?
Gaming is the key to everything!
As long as there are cute boys I'm fine!
Gurl is food a correct answer?
Anything with my family.
Gineapig searching!
Tumblr, Tumblr and more Tumblr!
Anything Anime!