What's Your Animagus? This is the first one!!!! YAY Hope you like it!! :-) <3 You will be eternally awesome if you take this quiz Ravenclaw3243 published on January 03, 2014 Stacked 1/5 What is your favorite color? Black White Pink, Purple, Orange, or Green None of them Yellow Red Blue 2/5 Which do you like the most? Olympics and Competition Fame and Glory Mischievous Flying The 5 Senses Love I DON'T KNOW!!! 3/5 What do your family and friends think of you? Funny Cute Creative Fast Talented Other Beauty 4/5 Which superpower would you like? Genius None of them! I'm normal, and that's all I want to be! Super speed Ability to Fly Charm Breathe Underwater and Regulate Pressure X-Ray Vision 5/5 What do admire the most? Swimming Speed Beauty Everything! Or Nothing! Wisdom Pride and Freedom Cleverness