What is your aura? Everybody has an aura but there are different colors. Most people only have one aura but a few have more... Echo101 published on January 03, 2014 Stacked 1/8 What do you hear sometimes when you are alone? a constant oooo sound a happy chirping slish every few seconds or a steady buzz no sound/normal sounds/ soothing sounds growling but with no animals around no sound/ normal sounds/ you don't pay attention different sounds every time sweet sounds 2/8 Pick one. :) x 100 :)) :)_. () ._. :D :) ~(:D)-I-< <3 3/8 Who is your favorite of these? Ariana Grande Rey Mysterio Leonardo DaVinci Kaitlyn Daniel Bryan Cody Rhodes Sin Cara, AJ Lee just AJ Lee 4/8 What aura do you think you have? Multi-color Red White Blue Yellow Green Purple Black 5/8 Is the quiz good so far? yes! I like it. YES! YES! YES! Yes! *jumps around* *paints a picture of the word yes* It's lovely! I like it! Okay. It was great but there is always room for improvement. yes 6/8 What color do you hope you have? Blue Yellow Purple White Red "Do not hope, instead observe" - Flora Belle Black Green 7/8 Which word would you use to describe yourself? energetic optimistic artistic calm emotional instinctive changing romantic 8/8 You are trapped in the woods with your friends. What do you do? Wanna play rock paper scissors for climbing to that branch first? Nooo we are going to die!! Race you to that tree over there! Now we get to look at nature! I will draw a picture in the dirt! That branch looks like a heart! The way home is there! Wanna race? No lets play tic-tac-toe. I want food.