Which member of One Direction is for you? See which member of One Direction is your perfect match! Is it the one you love or could it be someone that you don't like? kidrauhlforever published on December 31, 2013 Stacked 1/8 What color are you're eyes? brown green blue 2/8 What is you're zodiac sign? aquarius virgo capricorn virgo (again) other 3/8 Honestly, which do you like better? British Irish It doesn't matter 4/8 Ok, Honestly, who is you're favorite? Louis Niall Harry Zayn Liam 5/8 Do you like curly or straight hair? curly straight duh. i don't care 6/8 Who is your favorite Justin Bieber The Fray Robbie Williams John Mayer Bruno Mars One Direction duh 7/8 what is you're favorite color orange purple red green other 8/8 Do you even like one direction? Yes No, not really No, why the heck am i Even on this quiz? maybe a little