which disney princess are you???? this quiz is awesome! it will tell you which disney princess you are and why. colorme123 published on December 31, 2013 Stacked 1/5 WHat is your faveorite princess?!!!! Spongebob Tiana Merida snow white Pocahontas Ariel 2/5 Who is your favorite prince?!!! John Smith Prince charming Prince eric Prince Naveen NO ONE! Squidward 3/5 what is your favorite animal? horse snail fish butterflies raccoon frog 4/5 what do you like to do in your spare time? shoot arrows be annoying make gumbo with your daddy listen to the colors of the wind kiss butterflies and help dwarves brush your hair with a dingle hopper 5/5 who would you want to be??!!! Pocahontas Snow white Ariel Tiana Merida Spongebob