What Camp Half-Blood Character Are You Like? Which Camp Blood Character Are You Like? Take the test to find out. Right now! DeniseRingo3 published on December 28, 2013 Stacked 1/8 Are you Greek or Roman? Greek Roman Does it matter? 2/8 What animal do you like the best? Dolphin Dove Bull Donkey Owl Screech owl Dog 3/8 Which of these describes you. You don't have to look exactly like one of the descriptions, it just has to look the most like you. Black hair and sea-green eyes. Extremely beautiful, blonde hair, stormy grey eyes Black eyes, messy, long black hair, and olive colored skin Cropped golden-blond hair, and blue eyes. Curly black hair, dark brown eyes, pointy ears, a cheerful face. Uneven chocolate brown hair. Having cocoa-colored skin, cinnamon-brown hair, and golden eyes. Chubby with a babyish face. 4/8 Are you Camp Half-Blood or Camp Jupiter? Camp Half-Blood Camp Jupiter 5/8 What is your biggest weapon? (And I don't mean swords or daggers!) My ability to build things. My charm. How likeable I am. My intelligence. My power to conjure up gems. 6/8 What would you like as a weapon? Bow and arrow Celestial Bronze Sword No! An Imperial Gold Sword! Swords are lame, how about a dagger? Swords are cool. How about a Stygian Blade? How about a big ol' hammer? 7/8 Are you liked easily? Yes I don't know. No. I think people like me because I'm pretty. People judge me by how athletic or muscular I am. 8/8 Who is your favorite god or goddess? Poseidon Zeus Athena Ares Hades Hephaestus Aphrodite