What food are you? (2) If you were a food, what would you be? Take the quiz to find out inner food! xxmaddiestarsxx published on December 21, 2013 Stacked 1/8 Pick a random 3 8 5 16 96 48 2/8 Pick another random Blue Pink Grey Orange Green Yellow 3/8 What is you favourite colour? Green Yellow and Orange Purple Rainbow Brown, peach and Olive Pink 4/8 What type of movie do you prefer? Comedy Chic flic Horror Romantic Mystery Blood, guts and gore 5/8 What is your favourite animal Fish Flamingo Frog Hedgehog Dalmatian Hamster 6/8 What do you prefer? Sweet Berrilicious A little bit of sour a little bit of sweet Sea food Something a little unique Seedy, sour mush 7/8 What is your age? 1-5 6-15 16-20 21-25 26-45 45 or over 8/8 I have(click the one you have) a best friend. a constant need to pee a disgusting face a belief for fantasy a sibling spikey hair