Does he like you?? find out if he likes you with this accurate quiz. it works trust me .. melcoconut published on August 04, 2011 Stacked 1/6 does he try to make you laugh?? yes!!, totally yes all the time yes sometimes but rarely nope never 2/6 does he ever ditch his friends for you? no why would he do that yes!! actually he has all the time, its like he is always by me somtimes 3/6 does he touch you? (like ur hand , hair, foot,or arm) most of those plus more a couple of those somtimes ewww why would he 4/6 is he your friend?? yes we are very close no he is more we are sorta but he acts more like he likes me no he doesn't know i am alive 5/6 does he ever stare at you? yes to much but its cute never sometimes he does 6/6 last question , do you personally think he likes you? hell ya why am i even taking this yes no not even a little idk