What's your superpower? (1) Find out what your ideal superpower would be based on your personality! silvershard published on January 06, 2014 Stacked 1/7 Your mom tells you to finish your chores and homework before doing anything else. Unfortunately, one of your friends has a party an hour from now and you're invited. It will take you forever to do those chores and homework...what do you do? Do the chores and homework as quickly as possible, then rush to the party. Well, you're not going to the party anyway. There are too many...PEOPLE there. Might as well just finish the chores and homework. Decide to finish the chores and homework before you do anything else. After all, they're the main priority. Estimate how long the chores and homework will take, then check the time of the party and figure out a deadline. Well, hmm. You REALLY want to go to the party, but you want to finish the chores and homework as well. Maybe if you could possibly do all three, at the same ... 2/7 While you're walking down the street, you see a lost puppy huddling in the shadows. How is your reaction? Tears come to your eyes. The poor thing, without anyone to take care of it...you pick the puppy up and take it to the nearest animal shelter. Feel sorry for the puppy, maybe give it a pat on the head, then continue on your way. A rush of sympathy clouds your head, and in an instant you scoop up the puppy and race home, forgetting that there's already an animal shelter around the cor... 3/7 What's your idea of the perfect weekend? Stalking my neighbors. Score for yours truly if they don't see me! Oh, the usual. Going to my national swimming competition, writing prize-winning novels, taking skydiving lessons. All that stuff. Running races on the track! Studying for upcoming tests, reading logic puzzle books in my room all day. Studying, then afterwards hanging out with my friends. 4/7 While you're walking home, a three bullies suddenly burst out of nowhere and trap you in the corner of an alley. They're rolling up their sleeves...what's the first thing you think/do? Yell, "Stop! Let me go!" They can't do this to you! Burst out underneath their arms and sprint home as fast as you can, not looking back. Use their momentary distraction of rolling up their sleeves to your advantage. While they're preoccupied, you slip under their arms and hide behind the neare... Try to fight them, kicking and punching like there's no tomorrow. 5/7 What is the animal that is most characteristic with you? Eagle Cheetah Fox Elephant Dolphin 6/7 What do people say (or what you think they say) when they gossip about you? "Pretty nice and friendly, but not the sharpest knife in the drawer, if you know what I mean." "What a nerd." "Fun, but RECKLESS..." "They say he/she's clever, but you could hardly tell by the way he/she never talks." "Thinks he/she can get away with anything." 7/7 How well do you do in school? I get straight As and hope to get A plusses. School is all about working hard and doing well. I do all right. To get better grades, I set goals on the things I'm not good at. Of course I do great. It's all about using your head-if you think, you can solve any problem. Oh, I do okay. I try not to get noticed, but I still do fine. Yeah, I do good in school. I'm a little reckless on assignments, though, and that lowers my grades considerably.